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Up With People
Cast B World Tour

STAGING Tucson Arizona
July 6-August 10
Cast B Dress Rehearsal August 9, 1980, 2pm

FIRST SEMESTER: 47 Cities, 11,571.3 miles

Safford Arizona August 12-14
(PR Team: Kathy Leonard & Mike Samora)
First Travel Day, Men on one bus, Women on the other.
[Up with People Day proclaimed by Safford Mayor Curtis]
St. Johns Arizona August 17-19
(PR Team: Ken McGovern & Kim Murrell)
Our first potluck.
Joseph City Arizona August 17-19
(PR Team:  Simon Cumming & Cecilie Andvig)
Performance at Apache County Fairground, learned
about history of Mormonism from Bishop Gardner. Picnic
with host families. Tim & Charlotte's 1st Wedding Anniversary.
Window Rock/Ft. Defiance Arizona August 20-21
(PR Team: Deb Murray & Mike Fahey)
Toured Canyon De Chelly en route to Navajo Taco
Dinner. Janelle's father taught us some Navajo words,
Janelle modelled traditional clothing, Bo attempted
making Fry Bread, Mike Fahey demonstrates
"traditional" dancing.  We are joined by cousins Steve
Jackson (Cast ?) and Jack Jackson (Cast A) in this city.]
Grants New Mexico August 22-24
(PR Team: Wendy Hall & Laura Weinger)
North American Championship Rodeo en route to
Grants, the "Uranium Capital of the World." First
"Activities Bus" consisted of French lesson and a First
Aid demonstration of the Heimlich Maneuver. Cast BBQ.
Farmington New Mexico August 24-28
(PR Team: Michelle Milligan & Nancy Davis)
First FREE DAY. Four Corners National Monument
Alamosa Colorado August 28-30
(PR Team: Brenda Davis & Monique van Esch)
Busses broke down onWolf Creek Pass and cast had to hike along the road, while they cooled down and traveled empty. Learned about solar energy and initiated "News on the Nines" to keep us informed on current events.
Canyon City Colorado August 30-Sept 1
(PR Team: Judy McBride & Gillian Loughran)
Co. State Penn performance before 500 prisoners, ate
lunch with 23 prisoners who had helped us unload our
Leadville Colorado September 1-4
(PR Team: Kim Foster & Sandra Frid)
Highest incorporated town in the US at 10,152 feet above sea level; 7 Cast members hyperventilate second night due to altitude, Mariette hospitalized.  
Fort Collins Colorado September 4-8
(PR Team: Kathy Perry, Lisa Cypert, Carol Nichols)
Greeted by full fledge parade upon arrival, cast received
carnations from CSU cheerleaders. Sang National
Anthem at Air Force vs. Colorado State Football Game
and UWP Alumni made taco dinner and did skits on
UWP life. Janey V and Tammy C joined our cast on the
road here. 
Denver Colorado September 8-10
(PR Team: Cecilia Andvig)
Our first Tenneco show George Washington High School
Cozad Nebraska September 10-13
(PR Team: Not noted)
Monroe Auto Division, Shock Plant Tour, we did our first
evening outdoor street show. Cast member John Wilson leaves the cast.
Marshalltown Iowa September 13-15
(PR Team: Tanna Swanson & Danna Both)
Hay wagon ride to dinner
Milwaukee Wisconsin September 15-20
(PR Team: Mark Rosenberger, Bryan Smith, Kathy Leonard and Pamela Traficanti)
Performed on WIMJ-TV "It's a New Day." Featured as the Milwaukee Brewers pregame show, our
first experience with lip-syncing to pre-recorded
music...and it wasn't pretty.
Rittman Ohio September 20-22
(PR Team: Kathy Perry)
13-hour bus ride (our longest 1st Semester travel day by bus 593 miles), carnival themed. Tenneco Packaging Corp Plant Tour, Michelle's father (one time Republican Party state chair, spoke to cast about American political system...U.S. federal election approaching.
Ogdensburg New York September 22-25
(PR Team: Daniele Bonhomme & Nancy Navis)
We were late arriving from Ohio and so we stopped at
one of those Sizzler-type restaurants where we ate
several days worth of calories in one sitting, and then we arrived in Ogdensburg where Daniel was doing PR.  He jumped on the buses and told us all that our host
families had been waiting FOREVER and had planned
these huge dinners for us to eat.  Of course we obliged
them.  1.5 hour cast meeting.  Tim Houlton's father
spoke to us about controlling stress--no mention of
Malone New York September 25-27 
(PR Team: Sabine Huber & Dave Wysocki)
We stopped at an elementary school en route to interact with Mohawk students.
Middlebury Vermont September 27-30
(PR Team: Lisa Cypert & Ken McGovern)
Middlebury College, BBQ and football with local Lions
and Rotary on arrival, leaves start to change.
Salem Massachusetts October 1-4
(PR Team: Cecilia Andvig & Cecile Berg)
Salem Witch Museum, House of Seven Gables, Botched
Canadian rescue attempt of webmaster who was being
held by host father (in more ways than one). Half cast went to Manchester, NH (PR Team: Jodi LaNeave & Elizabeth Gronsleth)
Somersworth New Hampshire October 4-7
(PR Team: Mark Rosenberger & Jane Birr)
Learned about the effects of radiation.  Two shows at HS
Worcester Massachusetts October 7-11
(PR Team: Bob Googe, Cathy Kundrat, Carol Nichols, Bob Kelly) Old Sturbridge Village, Staff made Hawaiian dinner with the theme "Staff are People Too." First Career Day 
Vernon New Jersey October 11-16
(PR Team: Gil Newman & JoLynn Snyder)
Half cast flew to Tarpon Springs Florida to do show at
Digital Computers Convention, Half cast had an
education day in NYC on Oct 15 and toured Playboy
Club en route]
Newport News, Virginia October 16-21
(PR Team: Kathy Leonard)
Commissioned nuclear cruiser U.S.S. Arkansas (Rob
conscientiously objected), Tenneco reception, official Cast B poster revealed.
Culpeper, Virginia October 21-23
(PR Team: Lisa Cypert & Nancy Davis)
Monticello en route, Williamsburg Tour 10/20. Cast
evaluated first 6 weeks on the road.
Harrisonburg Virginia October 23-25
(PR Team: Cecilia Andvig)
Toured 2 Tenneco Plants (mufflers/cardboard) in one
Frederick Maryland October 25-28
(PR Team: Mike Fahey, Sabine Huber, Brigitte Reiner)
Cast was taught God's Skin in sign language, Performance signed. Washington D.C. October 27, Cast education day
Manassas Virginia October 28-Nov 1
(PR Team: Mark Rosenberger & Nicole Vergauwe)
Harpers Ferry en route, Red Cross Assembly with Full
Cast, 35 of the cast did smaller convention show for
national wholesale druggists.
Philadelphia Pennsylvania November 1-4
(PR Team: Dave Turner)
UWP Day Proclamation, very windy, outdoor show at Independence Mall, freezing cold and windy: Ken got a dirt clod in his eye and had to have eye surgery.
Piscataway New Jersey November 4-7
(PR Team: Therese Bjorklund)
UWP Day Proclamation, sang songs in State Capitol, performed in an ice rink on top of ice covered with plywood.
Bernardsville New Jersey November 7-10
(PR Team: Ria van Horenbeck & Carol Nichols)
[1/2 cast flew to St. Louis, MO for Nat'l Tour Bus Assoc Convention by plane, rewrote words to Earthship on a bumpy return.
Port Jervis New York November 10-14
(PR Team: Eric Roos & Nancy Davis)
Results from cast survey taken in Tucson revealed to
cast what our careers should be.  Cast then toured
funeral home...hmmm. Performed at UWP Board of Directors meeting at the Rye Hilton and Jamie scored a basket but tangled with a chandelier during Throw Me the Ball.
Bayville New York November 14-16
(PR Team: Michelle Milligan & Brooks Goodgame)
Igor in our cast yearbook reports we got one of the busses stuck under a low bridge and lost trying to find Theordore Roosevelt's house. Freezing Circle Line Tour of Manhattan 11/16
Dallas Pennsylvania November 16-18
(PR Team: Judy Roach & Judy McBride)
Late arrival, show postponed due to snow.
Oneonta New York November 19
(PR Team: Debbie Murray & Susy Rihner)
Late arrival, set-up, assembly, potluck and show all in the same day.
Ithaca New York November 20-23
(PR Team: Lisa Cypert & Wendy Hall)
Cornell University tour while guys did surprise set-up,
Glens Falls New York November 23-28
(PR Team: Dirk Jannsens & Mark Rosenberger)
Entire cast went ice skating. Thanksgiving dinner
prepared by cast members who were paired by
computer date, cast talent show.
Bennington Vermont November 28-Dec 1
(PR Team: Sue Cusano & Sabine Huber)
Belgium and Netherlands cast members prepared
Wellesley Massachusetts December 1-3
(PR Team: Dave Wysocki & Elizabeth Gronsleth)
Toured Boston and had difficult setup/strike through narrow staircase in sub freezing cold weather with stage on the second of three floors of a building without an elevator.
Pittsfield Massachusetts December 3-5
(PR Team: Nancy Davis & Juan Velarde)
Laura helped cast celebrate Channukah by cooking a
traditional Jewish dinner. Introduced to our first Friefhoffer cookies and added Christmas Medley to the show.
Albany New York December 5-8
(PR Team: Victor McGuire & Tim Garin)
We performed in "The Egg" and had Cast Date Night with movies.  Joined this city by Miguel Paredes (Cast A) and Staff did setup.
Syracuse New York December 8-9
(PR Team: Yumiko Ichicki & Carol Nichols)
Several cast members stayed in an orphanage.
Amsterdam New York December 9-12
(PR Team: Marie Gelang & Tracy Collins)
Cast spent entire day filming UWP's new 30-second tv
commercial. John Lennon was shot and killed this day and when Patti misheard the news, she thought Jo Lynn has been murdered and Patti was most distraught.
Gaithersburg, MD/Washington DC December 12-14
(PR Team: Sabine Huber)
White House tour, IBM Christmas Performance in JFK
Centre for the Performing Arts, Mikhail Baryshnikoff actually performing in theatre next door, meets some cast backstage and is gifted an UWP lapel pin.
Chestertown Maryland December 14-17
(PR Team: Jane Birr & Tammy Carmack)
Cast Christmas Banquet, slide show of first semester, 2nd Career Day
Willingboro New Jersey December 17-18
(PR Team: Domingo Larraz & Danna Booth)
Santa Claus welcomed the cast.
Perkasie, Pennsylvania December 19-21
(PR Team: Gely Rubio & Lisa Cypert)
Dave Wysocki's twin brother fools the cast. Last show/city of the the first semester.
Download a pdf of our
Fall Tour here:

SEMESTER BREAK December 21-January 5
SECOND SEMESTER: 50 Cities, 14,256.2 miles

St. Augustine, Florida January 6-11 
(PR Team: Janet Vasey & Sue Pura)
Cast visited the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind
Fernadina Beach Florida January 11-13
(PR Team: Bo Bishop & Bob Googe)
Record cold Florida weather, Don injures his trumpet-playing mouth and show is sold-out even before the cast arrives.
Daytona Beach Florida  January 13-17 
(PR Team: Lee Purcell, Wendy Hall, Sandra Frid, Cindy W (Watson?)
Cast visitsDaytona International Speedway.  "Task 10" --ten castmates stayed in an all black community college for UWP recruiting purposes.
Brandon Florida January 17-20 [Bo's hometown].  
(PR Team: Steve Mohn & Tim Staley)
Much of the cast spent a free day at Disneyworld
Bradenton Florida January 20-23
(PR Team: Michael Curnes & Sabine Huber)
Bradenton Surprise revealed by Dale Penny...our European Tour was being cut in half in order to give Cast C a consolation prize for their mostly-cancelled South American tour].
Fort Myers Florida January 23-28 
(PR Team: Cecilie Andvig, Greg Allen, Monique van Esch)
Visited Thomas Edison winter home along with the world's largest seashell processing factory.
Arcadia Florida January 28-30
(PR Team: Janelle Haven & Barb Consler)
11 mile canoe trip on the alligator infested Peace River with staged ambushes around each bend of the river. Lorna Rassmussen, new staff addition to our cast in 2nd semester, sings "Til Everyone is Home" for the first time and there were a fair number of open mouths that were more ah-ing than oo-ing!
Naples Florida January 31-Feb 4
(PR Team: Tim Staley, Steve Mohn, Kathy Perry & Jamie Gould)
Career Day. Private show at Port Royal Yacht Club. Cast beach party at Naples Beach and boat tour of the Everglades en route to Miami.
Miami Florida Feb 5-9
(PR Team: Laura Weinger, Rob Woronoff, Susie Barnes & Juan Velarde)
Cuban Involvement Day...entire cast received big "R" Ransom Everglades High School t-shirts which many wore the rest of the tour. Igor, who hadn't rejoined the cast at the start of 2nd semester, showed up during a performance as a surprise emcee.
Fitzgerald, Georgia Feb 10-12 Our longest travel day by bus during the 2nd Semester, 519 miles, 14 hours
(PR Team: Kim Murrell & Patti McCoy)
Creepy snake presentation, UWP commercial premiere, Surprise Cast A set-up and a few hours visit with friends from Cast A.
Depart Atlanta, Georgia for Belgium on Sabena Flight 506 
Antwerp Belgium Feb 12-17
(PR Team: Dirk Janssens)
[Remember...what seemed like a
sleepless 3-day trans-Atlantic flight followed by a
sleepless 2.5-hour bus ride from Brussels that dropped us off "fresh as jet-lagged daisies" at a sponsor meet and greet?  At some point in the next 48 hours, this travel drill was followed up with a 3-hr walking tour of Antwerp led by over-caffeinated University students. Tom Smalley loses grip on S4 dropping it on his foot, leaving him in a foot cast for weeks. Marriette briefly rejoins the cast after lengthy recovery following the altitude sickness she experienced in Leadville, Colorado.
Charleroi Belgium Feb 17-20
(PR Team: Michelle Milligan & Ria van Horrenbeeck)
The Mayor's reception for us including wine! It also snowed and we were sponsored by the Royal Charleroi  Sporting Club and were given access to pool and gym facilities. The cast visited the nuclear Power Plant IM.
Visé Belgium Feb 20-22 (Brigitte's hometown)
(PR Team: Brigitte Renier)
Deemed the hardest stage set-up of the tour. Bob Kelly led an infamous sub-zero walking tour of the town
Virton Belgium Feb 22-24
(PR Team: Sabine Huber & Suzy Reiner)
Closest we got to Luxemborg and France near the Ardenne Wouden.
La Louvière Belgium February 26 -27
(PR Team: Daniele Bonhomme & Cindy W
In our city profile sheet, it read: "In nearby Mons, there is a large university, but in La Louviere, there is nothing."]
Huy Belgium February 27-March 4
(PR Team: Eric Roos, Cathy Kundrat, Regula Pickle)
Carnival Costume Banquet with Host Families, visited a pewter factory and at least 5 cast members ditched the prescribed tours for a multi-pub field trip of their own.
Leuven Belgium March 4-9
(PR Team: Penny Bacher, Suzy Devore, Monique van Esch)
Received Stella Artois beer in our allocation bags. Toured Stella Artois Brewery and did a corporate show for the employees of Phillips Electronics. Simon debuts "Walkin' in the Rain" and part of the cast is working on excerpts from Jesus Christ Superstar.
Bastogne Belgium March 9-12
(PR Team: Rob Woronoff, Tracy Collins)
Treasure hunt in the rain, Kenyan meal. Visited the WWII battlefield.
Oostende Belgium March 12-16
(PR Team: Shelly Krake & Deb Murray)
Performed in a casino by the sea, toured frozen foods factory and visited an Orphanage and school for boys.
Dilbeek Belgium March 16-18
(PR Team: Dave Wysocki & Tanna Swanson)
In our yearbook, Igor denotes: Irish meal, jazz dance session.
Ghent Belgium March 18-21
(PR Team: Elizabeth Gronsleth & Tammy Carmack)
Tour of the city and cast visited former Nazi concentration camp called Breendonk.
Roeselare-Izegem Belgium March 21-24
(PR Team: Katie Whalen, Sue Pura, Cecile Andvig, Nicole Vergauwe)
Free Day in Paris, France March 24
Cast Activity Day in Paris
Kerkrade Netherlands March 24-27 Jos' hometown
(PR Team: Wendy Hall, Janet Vasey & Jos Weirtz)
Apeldoorn Netherlands March 27-April 1 
(PR Team: Cindy W., Ken McGovern, Morgan Jones)
Princess Margariete meets with the cast. Amsterdam FREE DAY. Career Day: Patti discovered she wasn't cut out to be a surgeon who did the cutting and promptly fainted into a tray of sterilized surgical instruments and was put on 24 hour concussion-watch.  In another surgical theater, Victor and Tammi Carmack observe eye surgery with similar results. US President Ronald Regan is shot leaving a Washington D.C. building; Jeff Ankeny, Gely Rubio and Mike Fahey decide to leave the cast in this city and the Rogues were never quite the same--though most of us didn't know what they were in the first place.
Roermond Netherlands April 1-3
(PR Team: Regula Pickle & Danna Booth)
Weert, Netherlands April 3-7
(PR Team: Maria Lundberg & Lee Purcell)
Cast Anything Goes Day meant to bring together two communities of Weert and Roermond.
SHAPE Belgium April 7-8
(PR Team: Brett Rholfsen & Pamela Traficanti)
Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers of Europe
show.  Tim Garin refuels on Mountain Dew at the military base commisary. Tracy Collins and Michael Curnes get tangled in soloist microphone cable during Rock and Roll and are rendered partly costumeless.
Sittard Netherlands April 8-10
(PR Team: Gillian Loughran and Janet Vasey)
Infamous host-pick up where Gillian lead the cast through the back service hallways of a circular shopping mall carrying all our luggage, forgetting where we were supposed to enter to meet up with the host families. 
s'Hertogenbosch Netherlands April 10-13
(PR Team: Bob Googe) 
Cast will remember this as the flower show--cut flowers adorned the front of the stage. Visited the
sloping navigation lock of Ronquieres. Cast party followed a Japanese meal that was fueled by windmills, Heineken and a bonfire.
Tubize Belgium April 13-15
(PR Team: Sabine Huber and Sandra Frid)
Hiked to the top of Napolean's Waterloo monument. First Space Shuttle successfully returns to earth as was advertised on a handwritten note baby-pinned to the back of Domingo Larraz' referee costume during Throw Me the Ball.
Knokke-Heist Belgium April 15-17
(PR Team: Shelly Krake & Jodi LaNeave)
Cast visits Brugge/Free Day, part of cast visits London,
England on a day trip. Performed in another casino, this one with the largest chandelier in the World.
Namur Belgium April 17-19
(PR Team: Eric Roos & Brenda Davis)
Egg hunt and frisbees at Vacques Youth Hostel

3-Day Spring Break
Some of us saw this break coming and planned for it like several gals who went to Switzerland together, and others were caught off guard without a plan and without money to travel on their own.

Kortrijk Belgium April 22-23 
(PR Team: Dave Bialik and Kathy Perry)
Somehow, everyone made it back after three days of running loose in Europe. Our show here benefited the
Belgian Olympic Committee and was held in the
Bruxelles, Belgium (Brussels) April 24-27
(PR Team: Monica Wilfong & Cecilie Andvig)
Fancy luncheon with Hans Magnus. TWO Free Days, French and Flemmish shows, our last European city
To see more about the Euro-tour
we were supposed to complete
Click this PDF featuring Cast C's 
completion of the original CAST B Euro-Tour.

Cast B flies to U.S.A. "We're Coming to America"
Warwick, New York / Highland Lakes, New Jersey
(PR Team: Beth Q?)
Jet-lagged, we have a brief though down-played visit with Cast C over lunch in the mountains as they are leaving for Europe to finish OUR tour.
Kane Pennsylvania April 29-May 1
(PR Team: Judy Roach)
Saint Marys, Pennsylvania May 1-4
(PR Team:  Tim Staley & Manrique Saenz)
Two performances and Igor notes in our yearbook that Tim Staley falls in love.
Succasunna New Jersey May 4-7
(PR Team:  Brooks Goodgame, Kim Murrell, Sue Pura)
Karen Ann Quinlan's Mom speaks to the cast.
Richmond Virginia  May 7-13
(PR Team: Dave Wysoki, Brigitte Renier, JoLynn Snyder, Mark Rosenberger)
Appear on a television show, softball game with inmates at VA State Penn, Mother's Day dinner and expression session. Michael Curnes attends his 5th prom offering to stand in as a date for host sister who wanted to attend but wasn't asked.
Harrisonburg Virginia May 13-15
(PR Team: Sue Cusano, Katie Whalen & Jim Naglee)
This marks the 2nd time in this city during the same tour; 1st visit was Tenneco-sponsored, 2nd was public
Potomac Maryland May 15-18 Charlotte's hometown
(PR Team:  Tracy Collins & Gillian Loughran)
Washington DC May 18-21
(PR Team: Bob Googe and Dave Tevett)
Red Cross 100th birthday performance with emcee Jaimie Farr from US TV series, MASH. Vice-president George H. W. Bush in attendance at Consitution Hall. Mark Tischler joins cast in preparation for becoming PR staff for future casts.
Easton Maryland May 21-24
(PR Team: Tim Lowry & Michelle Milligan)
Cast rides on two firetrucks in a city parade. Hot Air balloon race.
Middletown Delaware May 24-27
(PR Team:  Janet Weaver & Elizabeth Gronsleth)
Our first full length show outdoors, and it was hot!
Montvale New Jersey May 27-19 
(PR Team: Jamie Gould & Patti McCoy)
Janet Vasey finally "had it" with Grandad's Wooden Chain and walked off the edge of the stage to land on her butt at the stage's edge without missing a note.
New Bedford Massachusetts May 29-June 1
(PR Team:  Lee Purcell & Jill Weimer)
Outdoor night show on plywood stage built on City Hall
steps something like 12 feet off the ground.
Putnam Connecticut June 1-5
(PR Team: Pamela Traficanti & Laurie Gardner)
Outdoor performance. Sue Cusano "apprentices" as cast director.
Madison Connecticut June 5-8
(PR Team: Cecilia Berg & Wendy Hall)
Luau on the beach.
Simsbury Connecticut June 8-10
(PR Team: Deb Murray & Wes Corley)
SOLD OUT show, people turned away at the door. Doug Hampshire shaves off his beard. Jodi LaNeave's family in attendance videoing the show.. Joined by Cast E castmate named Tim, as this was his hometown.
Waterbury Connecticut June 10-15
(PR Team: Cathy Kundrat & Cindi Chang)
Cast banquet and Cast Day at Harrison Inn.

Final Cast B performance of People Are The Energy
June 14, 1981 7pm at the Palace Theatre

UWP80B 1st Sem.png

World Tour Dates


Tucson Staging July 1-Aug 8, 1980
Tucson Dress Rehearsal August 9, 1980

First Tour Performance Safford, AZ August 11, 1980

Last Tour Performance Waterbury, CT June 14, 1981


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